
As we continue into the dark time of the year and for some the crazy holiday time of year I want to plant a seed about connection with others in your own way. Here are some permission ideas, reminders, and suggestions.

Permission to Connect (or not to connect)

Email a friend a gratitude message

Laugh-find something on youtube or those cat websites if you need help

Tell really bad jokes with friends (or better yet to strangers in elevators)

Make a date to connect for tea, coffee lunch or dinner, or a walk

Write a postcard-we rarely get real mail and it’s such a treat

Write a note to your future self and leave it in an envelope with to be opened date

Sit and snuggle with your pet

People watch in the space you are in,  just observe

When stuck in traffic say nice things to the other people in the cars around you and see if that changes everything

Turn around and walk away if you see someone you don’t want to connect with

Send and email, or a postcard, to friends or family with a favorite recipe

Make list of fun activities you love to do and who it would be fun to do them with- consult and plan things from this list often

Plan future vacations in your journal

Leave flowers or origami cranes or other magical treasures on door steps or desks of neighbors

Plan a surprise un-birthday party for someone you love

as always I would love to hear your ideas and ways to connect in 5 minutes or less. i'll meet you in the comments!

permission to pamper is over here for $25 and makes a perfect holiday present.