
this week we are going to try and add some peace and quiet to our days. here are some activities that won't take you more the 5 minutes (granted if you have it i'd encourage you to take more than 5 minutes) Permission for Quiet Time


Stare at your vision board (or start collecting images for a vision board)

Sip a cup of tea



Read your intentions/goals/affirmation

Read your purpose or mission statement

Lay in savasana

Elevate your feet above your head

Light a candle

Use aromatherapy

Listen to a chapter in a book on tape

Read a magazine

Read a chapter in a book

Just sit-do nothing

Take a tiny catnap


Get a coloring book for you and do a page

Start a puzzle-leave it up so you can take 5 minutes often to play

Do research about things just for you, classes you want to take, vacations, clothes, etc

Read a blog entry or two

as always i'd love to hear what you do that take almost no time and gives you some peace and quiet.

the permission to pamper is up and ready for play! follow me to read more!