
what great suggestions people have added to the last post! today we are going to play with ideas for permission in the great outdoors

Pull some weeds-imagine they are things you are struggling with as you toss them away Rake some leaves-enjoy the small tidy bit surrounded by chaos (you can do more later)

jump in the leaves Pick some flowers (dandelions counted when you were 5 maybe they can again) Make a daisy crown Or an ivy crown Fill up a bird feeder Hug a tree Examine the clouds for animals or stories Stomp in puddles Make a wish and blow off all the seeds Plant a small pot of flowers Make a faery circle of rocks or leaves or found treasure Scatter flower petals Leave a trail of breadcrumbs Pull the pieces off a pinecone Skip Carry a bottle of bubbles with you and use them often to brighten your day Wear crazy socks or bright shoes Climb a tree or pretend to Hang a hammock and lie in it Listen deeply to the world Talk back to a crow Paint your toe nails so you can enjoy them peaking out at you in summer through shoes. Buy a treat from the ice cream truck

i'd love to hear all your 5  minute permission field trips outside!

shh! at the end of today i am hoping to have the permission to pamper ebook up for sale! YAY!