the ponderings of the sleep depraved

just so you know i cannot be held responsible for anything i say today. i had not very much sleeps last night. and while most people would take that opportunity to not send their thoughts out into the world, i think i shall live dangerously.

i have a dream. a wee tiny, ginormous thing that i really want to make into a reality. and as with every dream it has many, many layers and the more i play with and talk to this dream the more layers are exposed and the more connections that are made.

it is crazy how everything is so interconnected.

anyways i was poking at my dream to build the faeries their house/classroom/art studio and figured out part of what this is all about is claiming my expression on the exterior of my house as well as the interior. if you walk into my house you can see the beauty, and the magical, and me, but from the outside... my home is a tiny bit trashy. i mean there is trashy, and then there is sorta trashy, and then there is my house, and then there is put together, and then there is beauty. i want beauty.

so it's not as bad as it could be but it certainly has a billion and 1 things left undone and although there are multiple flowers it doesn't really express me, in the ways it could and should. there are piles everywhere, and an unkemptness that could look really magical but instead looks really neglected. here's to transforming the neglect into sparkly.

so yesterday i decided this was the very first step in creating a faery house. i have to start the transformation with what i have, the tools, skills and quirky things that are already there waiting to be arranged. then the faery house can be more clear and come into reality with much more ease.

do what you can, with what you have, and everything else will be revealed along the way.

today i am going to pull some weeds and scatter some broken bits of pottery and maybe hang a wind chime or two.

it's the sum of all tiny steps that make up the entirety or the journey. what can you do today that will bring you one fraction closer to your dream (even if it feels totally unrelated)?