Third Thursday Dinner: March 2019

I couldn’t think of an ingredient or rather I couldn’t decide on just one so the theme for March is green. If it’s green it’s game. I think Last months cumin explosion broke me a bit and I need to figure out how to both scale things back and also maybe not be so specific in ingredients sometimes.

If it’s green it probably also contains a wealth of vital nutrients perfectly suited to nourish your cells. After winter where vegetables are all imported it’s nice to start seeing some green in the world again.

on the menu:

cucumber slices and sunflower seed pate

cracker avocado toasts

watercress soup

cauliflower steaks with chimichurri

eggplant rolls with herby couscous

moss cake

egg custards in eggshells

I unfortunately did not get very many good pictures of all the bits but it was delicious and fun and an adventure to grill eggplant on a cold March night. We all bundled up and went back into the art barn for festivities and it was super amazing.