flip flop revenge

flip flop revenge

The itty bitty shoe is under attack again...

here is excerpts form an old article…

"What we found is that people take shorter strides and that their ankle angle … the angle between their shin and the top of their foot … is actually increased … [We] attribute the change in ankle to protecting the toes as the foot swings through, but also to keeping the flip-flop on the foot so that it doesn't fly off as they swing forward. And so they do alter their gait," said Shrover.

With the average American taking between 10,000 and 20,000 steps each day, the small changes in one's gait can add up to serious injury.

"The major shock absorption occurs back on the heel, and if the surface between the heel and the ground is not supported it does not allow the heel to absorb shock as well as it should. Which means the foot works harder than it should and people tend to develop overuse injuries such as tendonitis, or in this case, lower leg, knee, hip and back problems," explained Dr. Rock Positano from the Hospital for Special Surgery in New York.

Fortunately for flip-flop fanatics, Positano says you don't have to throw away those thong sandals quite yet.

"Look, this is not an attack on a flip-flop or a flip-flop like shoe. Once again, it has to do with when you wear the flip-flop. If it's for hanging out around the swimming pool, or hanging out around the beach, or hanging out with your friends, they're fine," he said.

Summer I see a huge increase in foot pain clients. Part of it is taking advantage of the PNW sunshine we tend to overdo, part of it is wearing shoes like flip flops and not paying attention to how you are walking and the tension it could be causing. luckily you can mitigate a lot of tension with easy foot stretches.

Reflexively speaking the areas of most impact are pelvic structures including hamstrings, quads, all major reproductive organs and lower digestion, low back, core muscles, lymphatic drainage to lower limps and pelvic region and many more teeny tiny muscles and things like ya'know circulation and stuff.

So if you are going to wear flip-flops please do your ankle circles, calf stretches and some sort of crazy or sexy foot movement to get everything stimulated, loosened up and strong again.